Iowa Lakes Out-Shoots SWCC 468 to 463

Iowa Lakes Out-Shoots SWCC 468 to 463

The Lakers improved their ICCAC record to 1 Win and 1 Loss at the home shoot on September 11,2021. The Laker Team of Carter Leiding 99, Keegan Oettinger 97, Aaron Olson 92, Jaron cooper 90 and Timothy Konfrst 90 shattered 468x500 to 463x500 for SWCC.

In addition to the team win, the Lakers took home 2 men's individual medals and 2  women's individual medals. Carter Leiding's 99x100 took the gold medal and Keegan Oettinger's 97 x100 took the silver medal. Gracie Ziemer and Maddy Derochie tied with 86x100 for the silver and bronze medals. Jaron Cooper and Keegan Oettinger both broke perfect 25x25's and Carter Leiding had 75x75  before missing his 86th target to finish with 99x100.

The Lakers host Northeast Iowa CC next Saturday, September 18, 2021 at the Palo Alto Gun Club at Sportsman's Park just north of Cylinder. The action starts at 11:00 am. If you have time, come and watch some 16 yard white flyer targets turn to dust.