"Nice little team" from resilient little town, show up big in big city

"Nice little team" from resilient little town, show up big in big city

Iowa lakes community collage went down to Kansas City to play Johnson county community collage, and came away with a 4-2 victory. 

JC came to play with a "Cavalier" attitude and forced the Lakers into a mistake in the 8th minute. For the next five minutes it looked as if the home team would get the upset. However, the "Nice Little Team" from Spencer, Iowa found a new level of play and scored 4 goals in ten minutes. First Sam Storey from Kasper Wollstein, then Kasper from Garbhan Feeney, next Lander Barrio Gonzalez on a free kick, finally Garbhan from Kenta Yagi. This is how the first half ended 4-1 to the Lakers. 

Second half the Johnson County team came hard with a press, that paid off in the 66th minute. With the score now 4-2 it was game on. Some intense and highly competitive soccer came about, with both team getting multiple chances to score. Good saves, brave blocks and missed shots from both teams saw a final score of 4-2 on the board at the final whistle. The 3-0 Iowa Lakes team will face Neosho County on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM on the same field.